Hi! It’s Julie’s Pretty Scary Author Site!

TODAY’S BREW: Nantucket Blend. If I’m not going there, I can sure as hell taste it.

Hello readers and soon-to-be readers!

welcome to jurassic park gifTHIS *sweeps arms wide* is my new website. You may remember me from Deadly Ever After, the blog I shared with my heterosexual life partner and fellow author, Kristen Strassel, where we went on ridiculous adventures, wrote books, and lived lives. We’re still the best of friends, but over the years our writing paths have evolved, and we’ve thrown each other out of the nest. While Kristen has moved on to more romantic pastures (as exhibited at http://www.kristenstrassel.com/), I’ve gotten weirder. So while the Undead Duo still rides, we ride different dinosaurs around the park. (Because Jurassic Park. You get it.)

And now I’ve chosen to take my books back from the small presses they were with, stop working with agents, stop waiting on publishers and go indie. And guys, I’m so happy.


*carefully reads every rule of Candyland prior to playing* *plays with Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans anyway*

This is where you’ll find out all about my book announcements, about vampires and harpies and witches and demons and mooooooore. I have a lot up my sleeve. (*is wearing a tanktop*) You’ll also get a lot of ME because I absolutely cannot keep my life quiet. I always want quiet, and rarely give it.

THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO COME THAT I CANNOT STATE IT ALL RIGHT NOW, but you guys. I’m so ready to share it with you. As of right now, sign up for my newsletter, and get a freebie companion story to my first vampire novel, RUNNING HOME!

I hope I write the books that keep you up reading too late, that you cling to in uncomfortable waiting rooms, that you read over and over. I want you to fall in deep, and never get out again.

Not creepy at all. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.



Published by Julie Hutchings, Pretty Scary Author

I write scary stories with pretty insides. Mythology-twisting author and editor, reptile hoarder, coffee drinker, harpy. Author of The Vampires of Fate and The Harpy.

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