On Strength and Presence and Refusing to Wear Shame Like a Crappy Shirt

TODAY’S BREW: “Regifted Brew,” which is an actual thing I got at Big Lots. (the biggest of lots, the greatest of lots, the lots that’s gots more than any other lots gots) By Julie  HI. I fall off the planet all the time, and like all bloggers and writers and people, it seems, I alwaysContinue reading “On Strength and Presence and Refusing to Wear Shame Like a Crappy Shirt”

My Fave Books This Year and a GIVEAWAY

TODAY’S BREW: Not quite peppermint mocha time yet By Julie  Let’s talk books. Because the world is terrible maybe, and let’s just talk books, okay? Okay! Here are some of my recent favorites that you guys should read. Click on the titles to get them on Amazon. HOUSE OF ASH by Hope Cook. This isContinue reading “My Fave Books This Year and a GIVEAWAY”


TODAY’S BREW: Cider! It’s Halloween weekend and New England Wildlife Center’s Night of a Thousand Faces. By Julie  HI EVERYBODY. I promise I won’t get over-emotional. *bursts into tears, kicks a pumpkin down the street, climbs a tree* THE WIND BETWEEN WORLDS is finally out in the world, and it’s everything I dreamed it would be.Continue reading “THE WIND BETWEEN WORLDS & Julie’s Loud Mouth”